IMG_6568 cricket @lawds

A little update on our son Ben and his travels: he is now moving between London where he is having a lovely time heading off to various races and aiming to break his PB for 800 or 1500m, in between being a wonderful tourist – seen above visiting Herstmonceux Castle and watching the Black Caps at Lords.

He has been staying with lovely Dunedin friends: Lyndon Brown, Ben MacKay and Jesse Muir either in London or Heathfield, and doing a bit of work in between (eg cleaning bricks earning him 50 pounds a day – which has filled up the coffers very quickly!!) He has his next race in Oxford, where he hopes to see relatives, before travelling to Ireland to see more of Geoffrey’s family there. In a month, he travels to North Korea for a week’s tour, then to Myanmar (to stay with a cousin of Barbara’s who works for the UN), and then will meet up with Geoffrey, Rob Homan and Brent Halley at the World Athletics Champs in Beijing in late August – VERY EXCITING!!! Margie thinks it might be time for a gals adventure… Will have to see!!