Earthquake Strengthening

It has been a busy four months since our last newsletter. You will have noticed a bit of activity in the front window on passing no doubt, and that was our Earthquake Strengthening happening, followed by a lovely reception paint job by Geoffrey. Many thanks to all our...

Caversham Physiotherapy Newsletter April 2016; 4877323 CAVERSHAM PHYSIO NEWSLETTER (No.29), April 2016 Hello again, Hard to believe this balmy weather continues, and hopefully it still does as you read this! Everyone has been outside making the most of our extended summer – maybe this...

Pilates at Caversham Term 2

Pilates will restart for Term 2 on Mondays and Tuesdays from 2/3 May. We have both 5.30pm and 6.30pm one hour classes, so please ensure you let us know you are continuing before the end of Term 1 if possible, as we have many previous attendees keen to rejoin in Term...